Submitted by Jim Cooper on Tue, 03/13/2012 - 00:00


When you first showed me jQuery, I believe we put the jquery.js file in the scripts folder for each server because I needed to update IceBreak. Do you remember this? I assume that this file should be part of the system folders. So, the questions are:

Is the following line required in each HTML file?
Where should the jquery.js file be located?

<script src="/scripts/jquery.js"> </script>


Niels Liisberg

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 00:00

Hi Jim;

Your assumption is correct. The jQuery framework in IceBreak is located in:


1-7-1 is the current version, and we will ship new versions as soon they get avaiable. If you have an "older" IceBreak version – then it is safe to put your own version and jquery in this folder, knowing it will be replaced when a new version of icebreak is installed.

Best regards,

Niels Liisberg


It appears that the following link is specific to the version of jQuery. If I specify


in the program, how will it find the correct jQuery file on the next IceBreak update?



So, I develop 500 applications based on one version of jQuery and update IceBreak and the version number changes?? Or, is it backward comparable?


Yes – but we still ship the previous version – we never delete files.. And jquery changes over time so we can not just publish the latest version…

Best regards,

Niels Liisberg


  1. So all versions of jQuery are installed with IceBreak, correct?
  2. Is it possible to use an include or copy statement that copies in the link for the latest version?

Hi Jim;

  1. No, only major releases. But just update the jQuery as you need it from the jQuery web site. I would be kind of upside down if you need to upgrade IceBreak each time jQuery ships a new release.
  2. The problem is that jQuery does not guarantee to be backward compatible. So coding agains the "latest" version is not "best practice".

Best regards,

Niels Liisberg