How can I produce a JSON store for the jTable framework? Can you modify the “blackbox” to produce the jTable format or do I need to write a SQL cursor and generate sql JSON by “hand”?
This is an even better solution – now it is not “black-box” now you have 100% control of the format – and you can “connect” any json format you like to the SQL engine. In this sample I use jtable as an example. But any JSON (or html or CVS) will do the trick.
I suggest you put the “renderJtabe” in a separate member and compile it as a service program or just a module – and then use a bnddir ( Bind Directory) to glue it to your program.
//' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//' Sample: producing a JSON data store for jTable
//' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/include qasphdr,icebreak
/include qasphdr,sqlvar
d Error s N
d SqlCmd s 1024 varying
d FromRow s 10i 0
d MaxRows s 10i 0
// Put this in you prototype include file
d renderJtable...
d pr n
d CellValue 4096 varying
d Row 10i 0 value
d OfRows 10i 0 value
d Col 10i 0 value
d OfCols 10i 0 value
d SqlVar likeds(I_sqlvar)
// Setup the select statement
SqlCmd = 'Select * '
+ 'from product '
+ 'order by MANUID';
FromRow = 1;
maxRows = 10000;
// Run the SQL
SqlCmd: // The Select * from ...
FromRow: // From row number in the result set where 1 is the first
MaxRows: // Maximum number of rows returned in the resultset
%paddr(renderJtable) // Connect the Custom Cell rendering call-back function
to the IceBreak SQL engine
*inrt = *on;
//' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//' Note !!! Put this procedure in a module or service program for later reuse
//' The "RenderjTable" is called for each cell in the result set
//' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
p RenderJtable...
p B
d PI n
d CellValue 4096 varying
d Row 10i 0 value
d Rows 10i 0 value
d Col 10i 0 value
d Cols 10i 0 value
d SqlVar likeds(I_sqlvar)
// Row zero and the firs column is the header only
When ( row = 0 and col = 1);
// Output from now has to be in json encoded format
setContentType('application/json; charset=utf-8');
// Row one and ahead is cell data from the result set
When ( row >= 1);
if (col = 1); // First coloumn start the json object
if (row >=2); // If after the first row we need to separate with a comma
// Print the name / value pair
%>"<%= sqlVar.SqlName %>":"<% = CellValue %>"<%
if (col < cols); // all exept the last has an comma
if (col = cols); // Last coloumn terminates the the object
// Row -1 indicates that is an EOF condition - no data is returned. This event
always comes once as the last event’
// Terminate the array of rows and the surrounding object
When ( row = -1);
// Return *ON as long a you want to iterate. If you want to break the loop then return *OFF
return *ON;
p e
Re: jTable
Here you go!!!
This is an even better solution – now it is not “black-box” now you have 100% control of the format – and you can “connect” any json format you like to the SQL engine. In this sample I use jtable as an example. But any JSON (or html or CVS) will do the trick.
I suggest you put the “renderJtabe” in a separate member and compile it as a service program or just a module – and then use a bnddir ( Bind Directory) to glue it to your program.
Best regards,
Niels Liisberg