I need IceBreak to talk IMAP to the mail server at my clients site. The immediate requirement is to monitor an account for e-mail confirming receipt. For example - BlueSeries sends an Invoice to a customer, the customer returns an automatic confirmation of receipt. My client wish to process this automatic confirmation using IceBreak. I am not sure where to get started with IMAP in IceBreak, so some pointers in the right direction would be very welcome.
Have you ever made a java program in IceBreak? In this case it would be a perfect match: Java has a package called javaMail which supports IMAP and is relatively easy to work with. If you create an IceBreak program in java you can simply utilize that package.
Best regards,
Niels Liisberg
I did not know one could write Java based IceBreak programs. I was expecting to use RPG with my IMAP project. I will need to revise my Java - bring myself back up to speed. Where would I start with Java in IceBreak?
re: IMAP
Java is indeed an option for IceBreakers' like you: And in you IMAP case it is a perfect place to start, and IMHO also a much better solution compare to RPG since the javaMail is so complete:
You can get inspired here:
And to get started with IceBreak JAVA – you need a version 260 or above – but I suggest you just download the newest. And if you have issues with upgrading the current production environment then please remember that you can install a separate version of IceBreak seperated from the production environment by selecting "advanced" in the installation process.
A nice introduction and description is in the "IceBreak programmers guide" Part VIII - Using Java as the host language.
Best regards,
Niels Liisberg
Better link
Forget about the ChillKat I sent you in the previous link – what I meant was the javax.mail which is as simple as include this:
See i.e. this example:
Best regards,
Niels Liisberg