Our Blueseries is connected to our exchange server, who relays. When sending mail from blueseries and delivery takes more than 30 seconds, Blueseries resends the mail. One mail can generate 5-8 resends. All copies of the mail is received by the recipient. Is there any way to make Blueseries not wait for the message to be delivered. Alternativly can I increase the timeout from 30 seconds?
Hi Tobias, The problem is not
Hi Tobias,
The problem is not BlueSeries, but your Exchange server. It should not take more than 30 seconds to send a mail.
BlueSeries is waiting to get the code '250' from the mail server. '250' means that the mail is received ok by the server. If BlueSeries does not receive this code, the mail will not be marked as 'SEND OK'. BlueSeries has to know, otherwise you will never be able to use the transmissionlog because the log will never show wether a mail is in error or it's send.
If you haven't restartet BlueSeries, you will probably be able to see this message 'Waiting for 250 but received xxx' in the EMAIL subsystem joblog. It tells that BlueSeries is expecting the code '250' but is receiving a different code. If you browse for 'SMTP error code' you will get several homepages telling you what the SMTP codes are.
Best regards
Grith Skovbølle