Submitted by Kim Egekjaer on Tue, 06/11/2013 - 00:00

Java version 6 is hard to find, so some customers running old versions of InterForm400 (pre 2012) are upgrading Java on the PCs to Java 7. However old pre-2012 designers cannot run on Java 7, so these customers need to ensure, that Java 6 is still installed and they need to force the designer to run under Java 6 even though Java 7 is installed. This is possible by creating a very simple .bat file containing this:

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6
"C:\Program Files\InterForm\InterForm Design\Design.exe"

The first line must be changed to fit the path of the JRE 6 version and the second line must be changed if you are running ArtForm400. When you now want to start the designer you should run the .bat file, which sets up the correct JRE path and then starts the designer. (Remember to install a 64bit JRE if you are running 64bit Windows)