Submitted by Niklas Håkansson on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 00:00

Hello Niels,

We cannot upgrade at any time since IceBreak is highly in use in our production. What can we do?

Niklas Håkansson

Niels Liisberg

Tue, 04/02/2013 - 00:00

For 24/7/365 customers like you, IceBreak has the option to install a new version side-by-side with the "older" version, run your apps on both systems and then make a switchover if everything works as expected.

Simply in the installation process you click on the "advanced" button. This gives you the option to install IceBreak in a different library and in a different IFS path and also gives you a new separate subsystem.

Now – lets say you install a new version of IceBreak in library ICEBRK2. Then you can use GO ICEBRK2 to go to the 5250 administration. Now configure your severs as the original from ICEBREAK – you use the same name, application library and root IFS path etc. but NEVER use the same port number!! Since this is (for now) occupied by the original installation.

When you start ICEBRK2 it will listen on a different port, but run your applications from the original application library.

When you are satisfied, simply do the switch over to the production environment - this can be done as soft as in zero downtime:

ICEBRK2/CHGICESVR mysvr port(80) // Your production port is maybe not 80

Note: the qualification of the libraries which holds the version/installation of your IceBreak.

You still have your original server, so if something is turning pear shaped, you reverse the process above and to a switch back:


Before you are in real production, please go to the IceBreak admin in the new installation and fill in the licence info – simply copy the info from the original. It does not require extra licenses to do this as long as it is on the same box.

Best regards,
Niels Liisberg