Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 00:00

I have a small asp running. Tomorrow, I will launch a database application. What is the difference between the Development environment of IceBreak and the Run-time environment? For example, if someone develops an asp application and launches it on a client machine, what does the client machine require for a run-time licence?

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Thu, 12/01/2005 - 13:44

 When you request a resource in your browser's URL - then IceBreak will look if it has an program object in the "Application library" with that name. If so it will call it and let this ASP program produce the response to the browser. The development and "production" mode are very different when it dont find the resource: In the production mode you will just get "404 Resource not found" and that is it. In development mode, however, it will look in the IFS-path to see is an "ASP" file with that name exist. If so it will send it throug first the procompiler that converts the ASP into natvie RPG source (placed in QASPSRC in the "application library") and filnally through the Native RPG -ILE compiler to get an iSeries Object. This process also occures when the object timestamp and the ASP-file timestamp is out of sync. ..... This is the basics in the JIT (Just In Time) compiler. If you have made database changes and want to recompile all programs then you can use the OS/400 command CRTASPPGM from the old 5250 environment. Regarding the licence: There are'nt any licence required on the client - if you mean the on the Browser side. If you mean client as in deploy ... Then you can deploy an application from one iSeries with IceBreak "development" environment to an iSeries with only the "production" environment and it will smoothly rebind your application even if it is not the same version of IceBreak running (You can see in the file QASPHDR in which version a given function was introduced).