• Support for the operator CPSMS (
• ÄäÖö problem in relation to ComSMS solved.
• A 'shortlist' of various minor bugs.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0070 to 0078 (17-May-08)
• The Web Client - Simply select option 80 on the SMS main menu to trigger the new web client for BlueSeries SMS. (V5R2 and forward).
• Support for the HTTP Gateway Clickatell, (1-way SMS only).
• Support for long/concatenated SMS. You can now send and receive as much as 1350 characters in one SMS message. (Supported in GSM terminals only).
• A conflict with backup could cause the communication line to loose contact with the GSM terminal.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0067 & 0069 (07-Nov-07)
• An optional Standard Text can be added to the outbound SMS
• Forced Line break in the SMS. Insert \n to create new line.
• The 'Phone list' in option 12 Work with operators can handle a generic value *.
• A quotation mark " worked by mistake as Field Exit in COMSMS.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0059 & 0066 (07-Aug-07)
• Support for the Siemens TC65 GSM Terminal
• Support for the ComSMS HTML gateway (one-way SMS)
• Auto-Reply rules are integrated to the monitoring system.
• A description field is added to “Work with message filter” describing the rule(s).
• A description field is added to “Work with System Values” describing SIM card.
• A double message “message” can be prevented.
• Improved line display in option 21. Work with SMS status …
• The difficulties in deleting old duty entries in option 8 are eliminated.
• The “Connection Priority List” was mistaken cleared after upgrade. Fixed.
• The “Dead Link” message originating from connecting PC’s is removed.
• Falcom Twist & Tango GSM modems need new protocol. Set Unit Type = 005.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0053 & 0058 (13-Jan-07)
• The User profile from a known sender will be added in the text of inbound SMS that is forwarded as email, MSG or SMS.
• The message text of inbound SMS forwarded as email, MSG or SMS was extended with text from the previous SMS.
• Increased processor speed on the iSeries (System i) caused the communication lines to fail.
• The “Connection Priority List” was deleted after upgrade of a new version.
• The GSM modem shifted between different GSM operators (in areas where countries are bordering).
Changes/Fixes in PTF0049 & 0052 (13-Jul-06)
• "User Key" is displayed in option 2, WRKSMSMSG
• It was impossible to activate new email installation due to missing stop character in C program.
• Inbound SMS was not displayed for user profiles with an active security system.
PTF 0048 (25-Apr-06):
• TCP IP log on must be rejected 60 times (60 milli-seconds) before an Error Message is triggered.
• The internal Security system does also apply for the PC client.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0046 & 0047 (22-Feb-06)
• Danish language in English “F1 - Help text” eliminated.
• 'F8=Sbs Job' option was removed from the WRKSMSMSG panel.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0044 & 0045 (13-Jan-06)
• Danish character Æ, Ø & Å problem in GSM modem M20 fixed.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0039 - PTF0043 (5-Jan-06)
• ALARM is now operative using GSM modem
• The Key PKL-SMM created a message in QSYSOPR after demo time out.
• Key code problems related to entire system backup fixed.
• Problems in DUTY groups fixed.
• Danish words in panel 75 & 76 removed.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0038 (17-Jun-05)
New feature
• New key code system.
• “Apply Program Temporary Fix.” Feature added.
• Problem using country codes in SNDSMSMSG command fixed.
Changes/Fixes coming with PTF0037 (3-Jun-05)
New feature
• TCP/IP Gateway for Thin servers will enable you to connect a GSM modem on a remote location.
• Implementation of Duty Groups. This feature will allow different persons to monitor on different parts of the entire system.
• The PC client can be set to give a sound when an inbound SMS arrives.
• Cleanup of the Windows log will use the Windows default.
• User defined data field added to SNDSMSMSG
• Danish words removed from panels 75 & 76
• Improved user interface in panels 91 & 92.
o Alias name for server/workstations
o Hold / Release
o Sort by computer name
• Usage Count will only include Online Servers/Workstations.
Changes/Fixes coming with PTF0034 - 0036 (21-Jun-04)
• *USRMSGLNK will create a link between the SMS BlueNote sender and the recipients’ mobile phone. Any SMS reply will be routed to the message queue of the original sender, unless the timeout value indicates that the SMS message should be rerouted to a Default user profile. The link will remain active until another user profile sends a SMS to the particular mobile phone.
• The Default user profile will receive all inbound SMS from unlisted (no link) GSM numbers.
• The “Connection Priority List” panel required an “Enter” to be activated – Fixed
• Code page problems solved.
SMS BlueNote PTF0033 (14-Jan-2004):
New features/Changes & fixes to SMSPTF 32 & 33:
Introducing TCP/IP gateway for Large Scale SMS Accounts (USC).
Problem related to dial up via internal modem is fixed. A new AT command is now required in "Modem init string" in WRKSMSVAL (Option 15).
Modem init string...... AT H0 &F E0 &s0 &d3 X3
Problem related to international dial prefix "+" fixed.
SMS BlueNote PTF0031 (11-Nov-2003):
New features/Changes & fixes to SMSPTF 31:
Replying messages using the GSM-phone would remove the original message – Fixed
The SMSemail module caused a missing program in job SMS - Fixed
Code page utility program changed
FAX966 was changed and moved to ÆINCLUDE as UTL966 along with file CXD00 code page directory.
The F17 (Subset) feature to display a subset of the list failed due to a time stamp error – Fixed.
SMS BlueNote PTF0030 (24-Oct-2003):
New features/Changes & fixes to SMSPTF 30:
New feature for monitoring the Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 event logs. The Event logs are replicated to the SMS BlueNote on the iSeries (AS/400).
New version of the Send/Receive module of PC-Client: The user of the PC client is alerted when inbound SMS arrives.
The Windows monitor program can be started from any installed PC clients (only for Windows NT, 2000 or XP).
New commands:
WRKXSVROVR: “Work with Server logs Overrides”. Use this command to create, delete or change override rules for Windows Workstations or Servers to be monitored by SMS BlueNote.
WRKXSVRSTS: “Work with Server Status”. Use this command to list all attached Servers or Workstations monitored by SMS BlueNote. The list holds information like Computer name, Status, Utilization, Last Connection time and the Computer operation system name and service pack level. You can directly invoke the DSPXSVRLOG command by use of option 8 (Event Viewer) for a selected computer in the list.
DSPXSVRLOG: “Display Server Event Log”. Use this command to display a replicated computer event log. Use the F17 (Subset) to display a subset of the list. The subset are selected by the “Server logs Overrides” maintained by command WRKXSVROVR.
Un-displayable characters in the log (WRKSMSMSG) are converting to a dot (.).
The System values panel (Option 15) are changed.
New job in the subsystem: WINMON. This job is used to monitor all attached computers.
The Inbound message parser does now support uppercase and lowercase the same way.
SMS BlueNote PTF0026 (22-Jan-2003):
Changes/fixes to SMSPTF 26:
Problems related to communication speed and the Siemens M20 fixed.
The phone list feature will now only be active while connecting to SMSC via "Dial in".
SMS BlueNote PTF0024 (07-Nov-2002):
Changes to SMSPTF 24:
Support for the GSM unit Falcom A2D used on the GSM 1900 net used in USA / Canada.
Problem fix: SMS messages that ended in Status “Error” on first try - will be re-sent automatically.
SMS BlueNote PTF0021 (16-Jan-2002):
Changes to SMSPTF 21:
Support for the GSM unit: Siemens TC35 Terminal.
SMS BlueNote PTF0020 (07-Jan-2002):
New Feature Duty Reply Chain:
The Duty Reroute Chain is a number of people that will receive the SMS message in case the original message remains unanswered for X seconds. The message will be passed on to the next person in the chain and rotate in the chain until the message is finally answered.
SMS BlueNote PTF0019 (09-Nov-2001):
Changes to SMSPTF 19:
Support for OS/400 V5R1
Displaying of local TCP/IP address in WRKSMSVAL improved.
ENDSMSSBS immediately ends the subsystem.
Country prefix improved.
SMS BlueNote PTF0018 (26-Sept-2001):
This PTF includes a new feature:
SMS BlueNote can now use the built in 2771 modem that comes with the iSeries (AS/400).
SMS BlueNote PTF0017 (23-May-2001):
There are included new SMSC's (modem dial up via the V24 line) for the following countries:
New Zealand
SMS BlueNote PTF0016 (29-Mar-2001):
Codepage problem caused the PC client to halt when pressing the Send button. (for some countries only). This is fixed.
The Monitoring facillity is improved as Subsystem is added to the Selection Criteria's.
Inbound SMS can be distributed to groups.
SMS BlueNote PTF0015 (31-Jan-2001):
Codepage problem for incoming SMS
The default "0" in "Line type" overrules the setting for "Fallback after retries".
SMS BlueNote PTF0014 (16-Jan-2001):
This PTF includes both fixes and a new feature:
Problems regarding the Danish code page, solved.
Problems regarding inactive reply identifier (AA-ZZ) in connection with the GSM unit, solved.
New feature:
This version has a new feature which enables you to use the GSM unit as fall back line for the outbound SMS messages.
SMS BlueNote PTF0013 (11-Dec-2000):
This PTF includes both fixes and a new feature:
Problems related to the SMS log for messages sent via the Belgian operator Proximus solved.
New feature:
SMS messages can now be both sent and received on one and the same V.24 line - using a Siemens M20 GSM Unit.
SMS BlueNote PTF0012 (16-Nov-2000):
Following fixes are made:
Problems with three-digit country dial prefix (Luxembourg) solved.
Following problems related to new standards in SMS handling are solved:
Problems related to SMS messages sent from GSM phones with "Active Message Confirmation".
Problems with messages sent to a Belgian MOBISTAR SIM-card and Belgian PROXIMUS SIM-card.
SMS BlueNote PTF0010 (05-May-2000):
PTF0010 contains two new modules.
1) E-mail module.
The system message can, according to the duty plan, be sent as an e-mail to the system operator.
The message is in full text, and is not limited by the 160 characters.
System requirements:
The system operator (s) must have a valid e-mail account.
TCP/IP must be installed and active on the iSeries (AS/400).
You must be able to "ping" a POP3 address from the iSeries (AS/400).
2) Inbound SMS.
This module enables you to:
Send SMS messages to a user profile on the iSeries (AS/400), using the message queue system.
Answer on system messages sent from the iSeries (AS/400).
Send a call, to activate programs on iSeries (AS/400).
System requirements:
A extra V.24 line on the iSeries (AS/400).
A Siemens M20 unit.
Connection cable (delivered by Agent Data).
A SIM card.
Both modules must be ordered seperately - but you can test them in a free trial period.
SMS BlueNote PTF0009 (12-11-1999):
Corrections since PTF0008:
PC Client:
Query on dateinterval always returned nothing.
TCP/IP addresses larger than 2 in the first byte pr. element gives an error.
Maintenance of SMS user profiles. Automation concerning to find an operator is corrected like this: Only finds operator if it is empty.
Rettelser til Serveren:
Problems with QPGMR in BLUESERVER! Solution. User profile BLUEBOXUSR is now set up with the necessary rights.
SMS BlueNote PTF0005 (97-12-23):
(includes PTF0003 and PTF0004).
Message length for System messages dumped in program SMS051 if the length of a message exeded 2048 bytes - now changed to 4096 bytes.
Message Queue and library added to the parameter list for the "User Exit Filter program". The extra parameter is alfanumeric and 20 bytes long (position 1-10 is the Library name and 11-20 is the Message Queue name).
SMS BlueNote PTF0004 (97-12-16):
Message override *SAME now possible (see WRKSMSOVR).
Help describtion for User Exit filter program changed (see WRKSMSVAL and WRKSMSOVR)
SMS BlueNote PTF0003 (97-12-01):
Nokia TAN234 protocol implemented.
SMS BlueNote PTF0002 (97-11-21):
Problems with the "Change of Duty" message solved.
Problems with "Alarm" message solved.
*NONE as defaults when creating new users in fields MSG severity, Alarm severity and Break MSG severity.
IBM 7852-400 modem can now be used.
• Problem in relation to send function in the web client solved.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0088 to PTF104 (7-Oct-10)
• Option to create multiple GSM lines in option 12 "Work with operators"
• Support for the HTTP Gateway IMEZ,
• Support for the HTTP Gateway Labyrintti,
• Support for the HTTP Gateway SMS1919,
• New fields added to the command SNDSMSMSG: 'SenderID' and 'Operator'
• F8 will display active phone list in option 12 "Work with operators"
Re: What is new in the latest PTF / Version?
Changes/Fixes in PTF0078 to 0088 (17-Aug-08)
• Support for the operator CPSMS (
• ÄäÖö problem in relation to ComSMS solved.
• A 'shortlist' of various minor bugs.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0070 to 0078 (17-May-08)
• The Web Client - Simply select option 80 on the SMS main menu to trigger the new web client for BlueSeries SMS. (V5R2 and forward).
• Support for the HTTP Gateway Clickatell, (1-way SMS only).
• Support for long/concatenated SMS. You can now send and receive as much as 1350 characters in one SMS message. (Supported in GSM terminals only).
• A conflict with backup could cause the communication line to loose contact with the GSM terminal.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0067 & 0069 (07-Nov-07)
• An optional Standard Text can be added to the outbound SMS
• Forced Line break in the SMS. Insert \n to create new line.
• The 'Phone list' in option 12 Work with operators can handle a generic value *.
• A quotation mark " worked by mistake as Field Exit in COMSMS.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0059 & 0066 (07-Aug-07)
• Support for the Siemens TC65 GSM Terminal
• Support for the ComSMS HTML gateway (one-way SMS)
• Auto-Reply rules are integrated to the monitoring system.
• A description field is added to “Work with message filter” describing the rule(s).
• A description field is added to “Work with System Values” describing SIM card.
• A double message “message” can be prevented.
• Improved line display in option 21. Work with SMS status …
• The difficulties in deleting old duty entries in option 8 are eliminated.
• The “Connection Priority List” was mistaken cleared after upgrade. Fixed.
• The “Dead Link” message originating from connecting PC’s is removed.
• Falcom Twist & Tango GSM modems need new protocol. Set Unit Type = 005.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0053 & 0058 (13-Jan-07)
• The User profile from a known sender will be added in the text of inbound SMS that is forwarded as email, MSG or SMS.
• The message text of inbound SMS forwarded as email, MSG or SMS was extended with text from the previous SMS.
• Increased processor speed on the iSeries (System i) caused the communication lines to fail.
• The “Connection Priority List” was deleted after upgrade of a new version.
• The GSM modem shifted between different GSM operators (in areas where countries are bordering).
Changes/Fixes in PTF0049 & 0052 (13-Jul-06)
• "User Key" is displayed in option 2, WRKSMSMSG
• It was impossible to activate new email installation due to missing stop character in C program.
• Inbound SMS was not displayed for user profiles with an active security system.
PTF 0048 (25-Apr-06):
• TCP IP log on must be rejected 60 times (60 milli-seconds) before an Error Message is triggered.
• The internal Security system does also apply for the PC client.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0046 & 0047 (22-Feb-06)
• Danish language in English “F1 - Help text” eliminated.
• 'F8=Sbs Job' option was removed from the WRKSMSMSG panel.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0044 & 0045 (13-Jan-06)
• Danish character Æ, Ø & Å problem in GSM modem M20 fixed.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0039 - PTF0043 (5-Jan-06)
• ALARM is now operative using GSM modem
• The Key PKL-SMM created a message in QSYSOPR after demo time out.
• Key code problems related to entire system backup fixed.
• Problems in DUTY groups fixed.
• Danish words in panel 75 & 76 removed.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0038 (17-Jun-05)
New feature
• New key code system.
• “Apply Program Temporary Fix.” Feature added.
• Problem using country codes in SNDSMSMSG command fixed.
Changes/Fixes coming with PTF0037 (3-Jun-05)
New feature
• TCP/IP Gateway for Thin servers will enable you to connect a GSM modem on a remote location.
• Implementation of Duty Groups. This feature will allow different persons to monitor on different parts of the entire system.
• The PC client can be set to give a sound when an inbound SMS arrives.
• Cleanup of the Windows log will use the Windows default.
• User defined data field added to SNDSMSMSG
• Danish words removed from panels 75 & 76
• Improved user interface in panels 91 & 92.
o Alias name for server/workstations
o Hold / Release
o Sort by computer name
• Usage Count will only include Online Servers/Workstations.
Changes/Fixes coming with PTF0034 - 0036 (21-Jun-04)
• *USRMSGLNK will create a link between the SMS BlueNote sender and the recipients’ mobile phone. Any SMS reply will be routed to the message queue of the original sender, unless the timeout value indicates that the SMS message should be rerouted to a Default user profile. The link will remain active until another user profile sends a SMS to the particular mobile phone.
• The Default user profile will receive all inbound SMS from unlisted (no link) GSM numbers.
• The “Connection Priority List” panel required an “Enter” to be activated – Fixed
• Code page problems solved.
SMS BlueNote PTF0033 (14-Jan-2004):
New features/Changes & fixes to SMSPTF 32 & 33:
Introducing TCP/IP gateway for Large Scale SMS Accounts (USC).
Problem related to dial up via internal modem is fixed. A new AT command is now required in "Modem init string" in WRKSMSVAL (Option 15).
Modem init string...... AT H0 &F E0 &s0 &d3 X3
Problem related to international dial prefix "+" fixed.
SMS BlueNote PTF0031 (11-Nov-2003):
New features/Changes & fixes to SMSPTF 31:
Replying messages using the GSM-phone would remove the original message – Fixed
The SMSemail module caused a missing program in job SMS - Fixed
Code page utility program changed
FAX966 was changed and moved to ÆINCLUDE as UTL966 along with file CXD00 code page directory.
The F17 (Subset) feature to display a subset of the list failed due to a time stamp error – Fixed.
SMS BlueNote PTF0030 (24-Oct-2003):
New features/Changes & fixes to SMSPTF 30:
New feature for monitoring the Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 event logs. The Event logs are replicated to the SMS BlueNote on the iSeries (AS/400).
New version of the Send/Receive module of PC-Client: The user of the PC client is alerted when inbound SMS arrives.
The Windows monitor program can be started from any installed PC clients (only for Windows NT, 2000 or XP).
New commands:
WRKXSVROVR: “Work with Server logs Overrides”. Use this command to create, delete or change override rules for Windows Workstations or Servers to be monitored by SMS BlueNote.
WRKXSVRSTS: “Work with Server Status”. Use this command to list all attached Servers or Workstations monitored by SMS BlueNote. The list holds information like Computer name, Status, Utilization, Last Connection time and the Computer operation system name and service pack level. You can directly invoke the DSPXSVRLOG command by use of option 8 (Event Viewer) for a selected computer in the list.
DSPXSVRLOG: “Display Server Event Log”. Use this command to display a replicated computer event log. Use the F17 (Subset) to display a subset of the list. The subset are selected by the “Server logs Overrides” maintained by command WRKXSVROVR.
Un-displayable characters in the log (WRKSMSMSG) are converting to a dot (.).
The System values panel (Option 15) are changed.
New job in the subsystem: WINMON. This job is used to monitor all attached computers.
The Inbound message parser does now support uppercase and lowercase the same way.
SMS BlueNote PTF0029 (14-May-2003):
Changes/fixes to SMSPTF 29:
Problems related to National Characters fixed.
Improved reaction time for incoming SMS.
SMS BlueNote PTF0028 (10-Apr-2003):
Changes/fixes to SMSPTF 27 and 28:
Problems related to @ and EUR symbol fixed.
SMS BlueNote PTF0026 (22-Jan-2003):
Changes/fixes to SMSPTF 26:
Problems related to communication speed and the Siemens M20 fixed.
The phone list feature will now only be active while connecting to SMSC via "Dial in".
SMS BlueNote PTF0025 (10-Dec-2002):
Changes to SMSPTF 25:
New field added to WRKSMSVAL for the GSM unit (PDU). It is now possible to change the Line Description for the GSM unit.
SMS BlueNote PTF0024 (07-Nov-2002):
Changes to SMSPTF 24:
Support for the GSM unit Falcom A2D used on the GSM 1900 net used in USA / Canada.
Problem fix: SMS messages that ended in Status “Error” on first try - will be re-sent automatically.
SMS BlueNote PTF0023 (29-July-2002):
Changes to SMSPTF 23:
Problem for related to incoming SMS that replies to messages originally sent from the AS/400 via landline. Fixed.
SMS BlueNote PTF0022 (15-May-2002):
Changes to SMSPTF 22:
Support for the GSM unit Falcom TWIST.
SMS BlueNote PTF0021 (16-Jan-2002):
Changes to SMSPTF 21:
Support for the GSM unit: Siemens TC35 Terminal.
SMS BlueNote PTF0020 (07-Jan-2002):
New Feature Duty Reply Chain:
The Duty Reroute Chain is a number of people that will receive the SMS message in case the original message remains unanswered for X seconds. The message will be passed on to the next person in the chain and rotate in the chain until the message is finally answered.
SMS BlueNote PTF0019 (09-Nov-2001):
Changes to SMSPTF 19:
Support for OS/400 V5R1
Displaying of local TCP/IP address in WRKSMSVAL improved.
ENDSMSSBS immediately ends the subsystem.
Country prefix improved.
SMS BlueNote PTF0018 (26-Sept-2001):
This PTF includes a new feature:
SMS BlueNote can now use the built in 2771 modem that comes with the iSeries (AS/400).
SMS BlueNote PTF0017 (23-May-2001):
There are included new SMSC's (modem dial up via the V24 line) for the following countries:
New Zealand
SMS BlueNote PTF0016 (29-Mar-2001):
Codepage problem caused the PC client to halt when pressing the Send button. (for some countries only). This is fixed.
The Monitoring facillity is improved as Subsystem is added to the Selection Criteria's.
Inbound SMS can be distributed to groups.
SMS BlueNote PTF0015 (31-Jan-2001):
Codepage problem for incoming SMS
The default "0" in "Line type" overrules the setting for "Fallback after retries".
SMS BlueNote PTF0014 (16-Jan-2001):
This PTF includes both fixes and a new feature:
Problems regarding the Danish code page, solved.
Problems regarding inactive reply identifier (AA-ZZ) in connection with the GSM unit, solved.
New feature:
This version has a new feature which enables you to use the GSM unit as fall back line for the outbound SMS messages.
SMS BlueNote PTF0013 (11-Dec-2000):
This PTF includes both fixes and a new feature:
Problems related to the SMS log for messages sent via the Belgian operator Proximus solved.
New feature:
SMS messages can now be both sent and received on one and the same V.24 line - using a Siemens M20 GSM Unit.
SMS BlueNote PTF0012 (16-Nov-2000):
Following fixes are made:
Problems with three-digit country dial prefix (Luxembourg) solved.
Following problems related to new standards in SMS handling are solved:
Problems related to SMS messages sent from GSM phones with "Active Message Confirmation".
Problems with messages sent to a Belgian MOBISTAR SIM-card and Belgian PROXIMUS SIM-card.
SMS BlueNote PTF0011 (01-Aug-2000):
SMS BlueNote PTF0010 (05-May-2000):
PTF0010 contains two new modules.
1) E-mail module.
The system message can, according to the duty plan, be sent as an e-mail to the system operator.
The message is in full text, and is not limited by the 160 characters.
System requirements:
The system operator (s) must have a valid e-mail account.
TCP/IP must be installed and active on the iSeries (AS/400).
You must be able to "ping" a POP3 address from the iSeries (AS/400).
2) Inbound SMS.
This module enables you to:
Send SMS messages to a user profile on the iSeries (AS/400), using the message queue system.
Answer on system messages sent from the iSeries (AS/400).
Send a call, to activate programs on iSeries (AS/400).
System requirements:
A extra V.24 line on the iSeries (AS/400).
A Siemens M20 unit.
Connection cable (delivered by Agent Data).
A SIM card.
Both modules must be ordered seperately - but you can test them in a free trial period.
SMS BlueNote PTF0009 (12-11-1999):
Corrections since PTF0008:
PC Client:
Query on dateinterval always returned nothing.
TCP/IP addresses larger than 2 in the first byte pr. element gives an error.
Maintenance of SMS user profiles. Automation concerning to find an operator is corrected like this: Only finds operator if it is empty.
Rettelser til Serveren:
Problems with QPGMR in BLUESERVER! Solution. User profile BLUEBOXUSR is now set up with the necessary rights.
SMS BlueNote PTF0005 (97-12-23):
(includes PTF0003 and PTF0004).
Message length for System messages dumped in program SMS051 if the length of a message exeded 2048 bytes - now changed to 4096 bytes.
Message Queue and library added to the parameter list for the "User Exit Filter program". The extra parameter is alfanumeric and 20 bytes long (position 1-10 is the Library name and 11-20 is the Message Queue name).
SMS BlueNote PTF0004 (97-12-16):
Message override *SAME now possible (see WRKSMSOVR).
Help describtion for User Exit filter program changed (see WRKSMSVAL and WRKSMSOVR)
SMS BlueNote PTF0003 (97-12-01):
Nokia TAN234 protocol implemented.
SMS BlueNote PTF0002 (97-11-21):
Problems with the "Change of Duty" message solved.
Problems with "Alarm" message solved.
*NONE as defaults when creating new users in fields MSG severity, Alarm severity and Break MSG severity.
IBM 7852-400 modem can now be used.
Changes/Fixes in PTF106
Changes/Fixes in PTF106 (1-Feb-11)
• TDC HTTP Gateway added to Operators
Changes/Fixes in PTF105 (11-nov-10)
• Problem in relation to send function in the web client solved.
Changes/Fixes in PTF0088 to PTF104 (7-Oct-10)
• Option to create multiple GSM lines in option 12 "Work with operators"
• Support for the HTTP Gateway IMEZ,
• Support for the HTTP Gateway Labyrintti,
• Support for the HTTP Gateway SMS1919,
• New fields added to the command SNDSMSMSG: 'SenderID' and 'Operator'
• F8 will display active phone list in option 12 "Work with operators"