Submitted by John Foldager on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 00:00

Could you please make sure that the fields possible to edit on a server instance is the same as those when you create a new server instance.

Also make sure that the default in creation (*SAME, *SVRID, *DEFAULT etc.) in consistent with those in edit (option 2).

Maybe there are also inconsistence between other options.... I haven't checked.

Best regards,

John Foldager

Bent Rønne

Thu, 01/25/2007 - 00:00

Sorry John,

But can you be more specific? I cannot see anything deferens between ADDICESVR, CHGICESVR and “Work with servers” (Web ADMIN)!

By the way I know that there is a problem showing all parameters in the CHGICESVR and ADDICESVR command. All IceBreak commands are using the standard OS/400 command interface and it is up to that interface to show you the proper keywords.

You can avoid the problem by pressing F9=All parameters. 

I’ll make sure that the tech guys will look at the OS/400 command interface problem.


 Originally Posted by Bent: 
"But can you be more specific? I cannot see anything deferens between ADDICESVR, CHGICESVR and “Work with servers” (Web ADMIN)!"

From the attached images I can't figure out why one has *SAME on some parameters and the other doesn't?! Maybe it's just me that doesn't understand the *SAME thing?

In "Create Trace file" one have "*NO, *YES" and the other have "*SAME, *NO, *YES, *ALL"

It would really help to have F1 (Help) option on each field!!!

What's the difference between *WWWSVRID and *SVRID?

By the way... "Trace file path" should be renamed to "Trace filepath" or "Trace file path and filename" as you'll have to specify not only the path but the path and the filename.

Best regards,

John Foldager


The *SAME has been the standard value in OS/400 commands since 1989 and means 'The value does not change'.

*SVRID is the same as the IceBreak Server ID. This value will be replaced by the IceBreak Server ID when a server is added (ADDICESVR). When changing a server (CHGICESVR) the IceBreak Server ID will be shown in the identical field (e.g. APPLIB) to the field in the ADDICESVR command.

*WWWSVRID means that the IFS objects will be created in the '/www/xxx' where xxx are the same as the IceBreak Server ID. The path will be created when the command are executed.

When it comes to the 'Trace file' something missing in the ADDICESVR command. Shortly we will come with a fix 

We are constantly working on the online help as you can see if you e.g. press F1 in 'Server type'

I hope this will help you


 Originally Posted by Bent: 
"The *SAME has been the standard value in OS/400 commands since 1989 and means “The value does not change”."

I thought this was the case. I just haven't found the logic in showing *SAME instead of the actual value.

I can understand that for required values you can use *SAME in an update-command from the command-line. But in the interactive screens I can't see the point of it?!

"*SVRID is the same as the IceBreak Server ID. This value will be replaced by the IceBreak Server ID when a server is added (ADDICESVR). When changing a server (CHGICESVR) the IceBreak Server ID will be shown in the identical field (e.g. APPLIB) to the field in the ADDICESVR command.

*WWWSVRID means that the IFS objects will be created in the ‘/www/xxx’ where xxx are the same as the IceBreak Server ID. The path will be created when the command are executed."

So isn't *SVRID and *WWWSVRID refering to the same 'string'? Shouldn't they be named just *SVRID?

"When it comes to the “Trace file” something missing in the ADDICESVR command. Shortly we will come with a fix"

Looking forward to more options for trace as I have previously requested this


"We are constantly working on the online help as you can see if you e.g. press F1 in “Server type”…"

Cool... I guess it can't take long to finish it for the rest of the commands 


Best regards,

John Foldager

Now I finally came in a situation where I was told (again) that the admin web interface was "so much better" than the 5250 configuration.

The "Buffer Size Output" value can be set to the following:

999999999 (max. value through admin web interface)
999999999 (max. 'saveable' through the 5250 screen but in fact you can write
99999999999 (so why not shorten this field - and the other - to 9 'characters'?)

By the way... where is the field online-help in the admin web-interface? 

Best regards,

John Foldager