Submitted by John Foldager on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 00:00


I'm curious... how can I use option 3 (Copy)? It seems that it might not work? I'm getting an [danish] error "Højre eller venstre parantes mangler" (Left or right parantese is missing).

I wan't to rename an IceBreak server instance (I can't do it by option 2 - Change) so I thought that this was the way of doing it?

Best regards,

John Foldager

Hi Syd,

 Originally Posted by Syd Nicholson: 
"Could be this be a problem with your IceBreak fix level:

I am on fix level 100 and do not have this problem."

It could have been... but I'm on build 100 as well  Just forgot to write it in the thread

Best regards,

John Foldager


It seems that you have some garbage in the server you are trying to copy. You can help me a lot here if you “Retrieve” the server into at source member. Use option 19=Retrieve source... to do so! From here you can specified a Source file, library and member to hold the server description. Then post me the source and I will check it *IMMED 



We can reproduce the error here:

 2>> wrkicesvr                        
     Error found on *N command.       
     A matching apostrophe not found. 
     A matching parenthesis not found.
      Errors occurred in command. 

 It is sent to the support team;



 Originally Posted by Niels Liisberg:

"We can reproduce the error here:

  2>> wrkicesvr                        
     Error found on *N command.       
     A matching apostrophe not found. 
     A matching parenthesis not found.
      Errors occurred in command. 

 It is sent to the support team;"

Great! I'm looking forward to a solutions 

Option 19 will not create the source... probably because of the same error as option 3.

I think that I have found the error... if TRACEPATH is "long" then it is wrapped on two lines with a command 14.

If this is the error then please check that the other "long" parameters - if filled completely - will work.

Best regards,

John Foldager